Fist off - I'm not dead. I just needed a break from the Flickrverse. I did quit the 365days project. Again. It's really disappointing to me, especially since it's the 3rd or 4th time I've dropped the project. I just feel like at this point in my life it's obviously not something I'm ready for yet. I'll do it eventually. Just not right now. I'll still be posting pictures, Im not leaving Flickr completely but I wanted somewhere I could write more lengthly blogs without feeling obligated to post a masterpiece as a precursor. Enter THEPINKLESBIAN. I thought it was fitting. I know I'm known as Like_shipwrecks everywhere else but I wanted something different. For those of you who don't know me or follow me on flickr, I'm Nicole, I'm 21 and welcome to my life. I'm hoping this blog will be more of an outlet for my personal opinions on what's going on in the world as well as a personal documentation of my life. I want to be open and honest about everything. I may change names for the sake of the people I talk about (and for my own sanity) but just be prepared - if you know me in real life or if we're good friends who have met through flickr, I'm probably going to talk about you. That doesn't mean I'm going to sit here and spew off a load of bullshit, just be aware that you're 'name' might come up in a few blogs. Because I might kind of love you :) Or be mad at you. Whatever the case may be. So I guess that about wraps up my first post. Check you later!
And if anyone is willing to help me with a few coding problems with my layout it would be SO much appreciated if you could drop me a line - like_shipwrecks@yahoo.com. I want to add an extra side panel for a blogroll, all the blogs I read, as well as another one with all my personal websites, flickr, twitter, etc. It's been a while since I've coded layouts and things have changed!
ooh...can I comment now? Yay! you fixed it. I don't use blogspot though, I use Livejournal. Same as SaylaMarz. Is it possible to add that to your blogroll here?
Also, have you read any of the last few Hellcats? Should be a nice little surprise there for you.
yay! I'm excited to get updates from you :)
oh thnx God u fixed this!
i just began to see your pics there amazing!
i think your a great person and want to know you more
im excited for updates toooo!!!!
She lives!!!!
Very nice to see you alive and kicking girl.
AAnd now.... Updates!! ;)
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